Friday, January 20, 2012


I've decided that Fridays will be the day I post my belly shot, so here is the latest one:

I kinda feel like I just look thick in this picture, but I can definitely see a difference.  Not to mention I've lost 8-9 pounds since my first photo.

No new symptoms this week, except that my breasts aren't as sore as they once were.  Of course that worries me a little bit but supposedly that's normal?  I don't know.  For a while they had gone back and forth being sore, but now they're really not sore at all.  I had a spotting scare on Wednesday night, I had gone to the bathroom and was so surprised to see a little bit of pink on the tissue, and the 2nd time I went to the bathroom there was a little bit more, which really caused me to panic.  But Brad prayed for me, and it went away completely.  I've also had a fair amount of brown discharge but I called and talked to my dr's nurse and she said that's totally normal and fine.

I won't lie, this pregnancy has been so stressful to me in a lot of ways.  I have enjoyed it at times, but it's  not been what I would call ideal.  I know there's some women that have it worse than I do, but I truly am stressed so much of the time.  Brad has handled it all (read: ME) very well, but I also feel badly cause I have no energy and feel sick so much of the time that most nights are spent sitting around (or me laying around), not making any kind of dinner, the house has definitely not been as clean as I would prefer to have's just changed a lot of things.  I keep saying, I will be SO happy to get out of the 1st trimester.

I have a doctor appointment next Wednesday, I'm looking forward to getting in there and talking things over with her!  AND praying so hard to hear a heartbeat!

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